Emmarentia Poker Push – Event Details
Date: 26 March 2017
Time: We’ll be setting up from 9am. Push starts at 10am sharp.
Entry: Free. Just be at the start before 10am to enter.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1270167803031737/
Details: The route is a mellow 3km loop on a bricked path. Collect cards at 5 checkpoints along the way, the best poker hand at the end wins a prize.

Anyone with a skateboard/longboard is welcome.
Please stick to the rules of the park. We want skaters to be welcome there. No fires. No dogs in the area of the botanical gardens. Don’t knock over any grannies! Helmets are recommended but we will not enforce them as the downhills are mellow. You skate at your own risk.